Talent Hunt

Shinz Group hosts Talent Hunt Singapore every year to promote talents and appreciate their creativity since 2021.



Talent Hunt Singapore was founded in 2020. We show & offer an unique platform for potential talents to showcase their skills and express themselves every year. This gives Children and Adults confidence and helps them overcome stage fright. The program helps us find new talents every year. You can choose from different ideas to show your talent on stage. Shinz Group’s purpose of bringing THS is to increase the recognition of Art performances. During 2020 Covid Pandemic lockdown. THS came up with an idea to support and help many in Singapore to come out of stress and to show their talent. Many talents responded very well and showed their high quality of work. Do register and join the competition.



Talent Hunt Singapore was founded in 2020. We show & offer an unique platform for potential talents to showcase their skills and express themselves every year. This gives Children and Adults confidence and helps them overcome stage fright. The program helps us find new talents every year. You can choose from different ideas to show your talent on stage. Shinz Group’s purpose of bringing THS is to increase the recognition of Art performances. During 2020 Covid Pandemic lockdown. THS came up with an idea to support and help many in Singapore to come out of stress and to show their talent. Many talents responded very well and showed their high quality of work. Do register and join the competition.



For further enquiries regarding our services, please email contact@shinzgroup.com or call us at +65-8323-9106

1) 3 mins performance face to face.
2) No fees for audition.
3) Address for audition : #B1-64, 183 Promenade@JLN Pelikat, S537643

1) Selected participants for performance will need to pay $108 for the finale.
2) SHINZ has full rights to use your video and pictures for marketing purposes.
3) No refunds if Participants chooses to withdraw.
4) SHINZ has full rights to choose the script and performance.

1) Registration ends at 31st March.
2) Auditions will be held from 1st April to 31st May.
3) Finale will be conducted on 8th July & 9th July.
4) Currently, The Finale is planned to be a live performance at 
#B1-64, 183 Promande@JLN Pelikat, S537643
5) If COVID-19 cases increase or lockdown occurs, organisation can 
change into online competition.
6) Should this Finale be moved online due to heightened Covid-19 safety measures at that time, the organisers reserve the full right to change 
the date, venue and format of the Finale according to any change in restrictions placed upon the event.
7) This performance is open to all nationalities.

Conditions on registration:
No payment for audition. Audition is free.
2) Payment to be made at Shinz Productions Account 3303230635 
and share the snapshot.
3) Payment made is not refundable / transferable.

Who can participate? Anyone is eligible to participate.
1) The organisers are not responsible for any accidents / liability incurred during the show.
2) The organisers hold full rights for video shooting, telecasting & distributing rights worldwide.
3) The organisers decision is final and reserves the rights to change the format
4) All participants, choreographers and performers must agree to abide by all the rules.
5) Upon not turning for the show, no refund is provided.
6) Parents required to fill in the registration form for participants below 18 years.
7) Participant’s data will be protected by Talent Hunt Singapore (Theatre).
8) Shinz Productions hereby have full grant to the right to photograph the participants and to record their voice, performances, poses, actions, plays and appearances, and use your picture, photograph, silhouette and other reproductions of candidate physical likeness in connection with the motion picture.
9) Candidate further grant the right to reproduce in any manner whatsoever any recordings including all instrumental, musical or other sounds effects produced in connection with the production and/or postproduction of the picture.


By completing and submitting this form, you agree to the terms and conditions listed to the side of this form.

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